4 Days

Posted by Mr. Bak at 12:49 PM

Friday, October 31, 2008

It's 3.50am and I can't sleep.

Was thinking about 2 NATOrians who gonna leave us next sem. SK and Yoon...
I cannot imagine going Uni next sem without seeing 2 of them.


I got the Exam timetable already. Who wanna know, call/sms/msn/email/skype/cbox/GG me. We have 4 days to party before we start internships.

If before exams, you all cannot make it, nvm. I feel you

If during study break, you all go back hometown, nvm. I feel you

If during summer holidays, you all busy, nvm. I feel you

But these 4 days. Please make it.

They're my best Korean and Brunei friend. (although they're my only Korean and Brunei friend). They're the only 2 people in this universe who visited me when I'm hospitalised. Not being Malaysian didn't deter them from taking public transport. PUTRA LRT, KTM, Bus, Taxi.. you name it, they took it.

you never combed your hair,
your room is worse than a garbage dump,
you ask me to treat you during every meal,
you can't beat me in dota (unless you see my screen),
you seem to have flu 365 days a year,
you forced me to sleep on your chair,
you gave me a bedsheet as my blanket,
you tried to freeze me to death in your room,
you beat me in chess everytime,
you don't eat veggie,
you don't drink milo,
you never finish your maggi goreng,
you pinched my nipple till it became sore
you ask me go mamak at 4am,
then ask me dota at 6am,
but you've also
bought me a T-shirt for my birthday
accompanied me out everytime I got FFK-ed by chicks
bailed me out when I'm broke
treat me meals when you know I'm hungry but broke,
slept with me in the car when I got fever from clubbing,
managed to beat me in FIFA 1 year after losing 7-1,
let me sleep in your room when I'm lost and alone,
accompanied me to study law till 4am
watched MU vs Barcelona with me when you hated both teams,
broked the door and helped me find my wallet when I left it at LT1,
traveled all the way to visit me in the hospital,
ever willing to club with me,
or mamak with me,
or dota with me,
or anything for that matter
passed me the ball for me to score in futsal (*latest*)
i think its getting too gay already..stop first..

First time we met, was at the Genting, during the trip Ms Alice conned us.
You were in my group. I chose you as the leader. Haha.
At that time, I thought you cannot speak English. But I spotted your talent when you taught me how to balance bottles while running. Stupid game it was, anyway.
You visited me in the hospital, I won't forget that.
You the only player who can consistently whip me in FIFA..
Your heart is the purest in NATO.
Despite certain conflicts amongst us NATOrians, you seemed oblivious to it all.
Despite knowing 2-3 NATOrians treated you like..... yet you still love us all.
I seem to write more about SK compared to you. Hahaha. But I still love you.
You embody the true NATOrian spirit

It's 4.21am now.

I still can't sleep.