Tribute to a Bruneian

Posted by Nato at 12:17 PM

Friday, December 5, 2008

Today, Nato sees the departure of a Bruneian.

When is he departing?
He leaves Malaysian soil for Brunei on the 6th of December 2008, 5.30pm. This is followed by the trip to Australia in February 2009.

Why is he departing?
Heading for the land down under, university life in Adelaide would be a whole new enriching experience. Always a natural talent in IT, there is also more options for him in terms of courses available at the University of South Australia.

How has he prepared for departure?
Cleaning up his room was certainly no joke. Anyone interested in second hand items were free to help themselves though.
A Natorian outing at Quattro, a few sweet dates with Yi Qian, a (profitable?) trip to Genting, a couple of basketball matches, a BBQ Plaza dinner with the guys.. have all helped put him in the right frame of mind to leave Malaysia with little regrets.

What will he be missed for?
His humour.
His carefree and positive attitude.
His (previously) freezing room.
His support for Arsenal FC.
His David Villa hint of a goatee.
His dislike of veggies.
His internet hacking skills.
His monetary services to Nato.
His FIFA, CS, futsal, badminton and pool skills.
His friendship.

Who will continue rooting for him?
A whole bunch of people, but most importantly in this context: all Natorians. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours, in preserving his character and way of thinking, as well as in keeping up the Nato spirit.

Who is he?
He is Lim Seng Kheng.
Nato Treasurer, platlet donor, boyfriend, gay partner,
buddy and friend.