Boss, kira!

Posted by Mr. Bak at 8:17 PM

Thursday, June 10, 2010

(Due to popular demand, my drawings are back lol...)

Our thank you campaign was a great success!

Quick facts:

8 Natorians sent cards to 14 lecturers...
Lecturers wished Natorians all the best (perhaps for the final time)...
An album's worth of pictures were snapped...

But stay tuned for more on that in another post, money matters first!

Below is the cost of cards outstanding from each of us.

Fish 7.70
Aaron 7.70
Xuan 7.70
Qian 7.70
Rain 10.80
Munteng 9.20
Yin yee 9.10
Bak 4.50

Please remit payment to Fish by or during roadtrip.

*Further breakdown is available from Fish and Aaron.

Next stop, pictures from the thank you expedition!

Stay tuned!