The end is near... Graduation!

Posted by Mr. Bak at 9:10 PM

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Its been a meaningful journey for Natorians here at Taylor’s (and UniSA), with our share of ups and downs…

Getting kicked out of class…

Signing petitions…

Selling ice creams…

Couldn’t have done all those without our beloved lecturers right? haha

Here’s a small opportunity to say our thanks.

Our first batch of thank you cards will go to:

Errol, Ms Woo, CCF, Mike, Ms Nadiah, Ms Suh Zean, Mr Koh

More towards accounting and finance I know, so do propose your other lecturers too! 2nd batch perhaps hehe.

Please leave your comments/ thank you messages for each lecturer in the Cbox, or let AARON know personally. Last call will be tomorrow (10th June, Thurs) when we meet our lecturers for a possible photo-shoot around 9am at Lakeside…

Mr President

P/s: with graduation hat = us, with tie = lecturers.. LOL


Sample Messages said...

I am sure that you got ample opportunity to cheat while you were giving the final examination and that’s the reason you were able to get the graduation degree in your hand. However, when you have the degree that state your name on it, all I can say is congratulations.

Graduation messages